New Book: 4,500 Testimonials of Post-Jab Injuries to Female Reproductive Organs
Mélodie Feron, Where is My Cycle? (Où est mon cycle ?) (Self-published, September 2022). Kindle ebook. 9.5 euros
Mélodie Feron formed a
group of women in France who wanted to speak out about the
injuries they have suffered since they received the mRNA treatments designed to
protect them from a respiratory virus. She put their testimonials into a book
and published it in September 2022. She was interviewed on Sud Radio in
October. The book is not likely to be available in translation, or relevant to
people outside of France, but it may inspire similar projects in other
countries. This group is made up of women who have experienced injury to their
menstrual cycles and reproductive capacities. There are many other such groups
forming to speak about other types of injury that appeared shortly after “the
jab”: cardio-pulmonary, circulatory, inflammatory, and neurological disorders, miscarriages,
aggressive cancers, and previously healthy young and middle-aged people falling
victim to SADS (Sudden
Adult Death Syndrome)—not a new thing but certainly
something that seems to be on the rise this year. My friends in the
anti-nuclear movement might notice that the experiences of these women in Mélodie
Feron’s group sound very similar to the female victims of radiological
poisoning who have never been taken seriously by the medical establishment—the
“health physicists” who reign over the orthodoxy of all science related to the
health consequences of the nuclear industry.
Another reason for doing this translation was to
support the women in my life who have complained about the medical profession
being male-centric; that is, male doctors practicing medicine based on studies
of male patients, or male doctors misdiagnosing and not listening to or taking
seriously what their female patients tell them. I wonder how many such women
would now dismiss Mélodie Feron’s group as a bunch of anti-vaxx lunatics just
grasping for explanations for their problems.
Author’s book description
I am infinitely fortunate that women trusted me and
entrusted me with the most intimate aspects of their lives through these
I wrote this book as a duty of memory, so that we
never forget these terrifying years of Covid and never forget what we were
forced to undergo—a mass experiment, even before the end of the official
clinical studies (scheduled for 2023 and 2024). This forced injection destroyed
the lives of tens of thousands of us women, in France and around the world.
After one or two, or even three injections, our menstrual cycle was totally
disrupted. It became painfully hemorrhagic, or it vanished altogether. Our
cycle and bodies no longer belonged to us. Some have even, in immense pain,
lost their sense of being a woman and a mother. Some had to lose their uterus.
The individual emotional suffering and the distress
resounded painfully for each one of us, and beyond that into life as a couple.
Sexuality, social life, and desire for motherhood were in some cases destroyed.
It is a personal, immense drama with incalculable psychological consequences.
I hope that we unite, and that together we women take
back the sovereignty of our bodies that throughout the ages has too often been
taken from us.
The great discovery of this sad adventure is this
force that unites us, more than could any cliché, to each other. We are symbols
of warmth and life, the life we build for our children day by day, or the life
that we would give birth to in the future.
Beyond my own experience, this book is a search for
justice and truth. I want to give women a voice for their suffering, and to
highlight their loneliness so that it comes to an end.
The story of Where is My Cycle is the story of
all of us, neither alone nor crazy, in a sick society where the economy and the
accumulation of superfluous wealth come before the preservation of life for the
future. Unfortunately, they also come before what is so evidently important:
life itself.
Mélodie Feron is the founder of the collective Où
Est Mon Cycle. After two doses of the Pfizer mRNA treatment,
Melody saw her period turn into a heavy cascade, with unprecedented pain. The
medical professionals she consulted said the cause was stress, then they fell
silent. Faced with the inaction and denial of the medical authorities, Mélodie
created Où Est Mon Cycle. In four months she collected more than 4,500
testimonies from women who received the same kind of neglect regarding the
appearance of these inexplicable menstrual disorders after their “anti-Covid”
with Mélodie Feron on Sud Radio (36 minutes) (in French only), October 2022
See also
T. Parotto, J.A. Thorp, B. Hooker, P.J. Mills, J.
Newman, L. Murphy, et al. “COVID-19
and the Surge in Decidual Cast Shedding.” Gazette
of Medical Sciences. 2022; 3(1): 107- 117.
Abstract: Background: The purpose of this study
is to report on the unprecedented rise in decidual cast shedding (DCS) that
occurred in 2021. DCS is historically a rare gynecological event, with less
than 40 cases reported in the medical literature over the last 109 years.
Previous journal articles on DCS were usually case studies; population
prevalence data is non-existent. Methods: The MyCycleStorySM survey was
distributed via social media from May 16th, 2021, through December 31, 2021.
The total sample size for analysis was 6049 with 89.1% of the participants
responding within the first 3.5 months of the 7.5 months duration of the study.
In parallel to the survey study, a Google Trends search was completed for search
frequencies of relevant keyword terms including “decidual cast” and “decidual
cast covid vaccine.” Results: In the survey, 292 women (4.83 % of the
sample) reported having experienced DCS. The mean age of these predominantly
non-Hispanic white women was 36.1 ± 0.5 (SEM) years. Eleven percent were taking
hormonal contraceptives, 94.3% considered themselves healthy and 96.2% reported
that menstrual irregularities started in 2021. According to Google metadata,
search terms for "decidual cast shedding" substantially increased
during the months of April, May, and June 2021. These peaks in searches
represented a 2000% increase over the first quarter of 2021. Conclusions:
There was a significant increase in self-reported DCS in the latter part of
2021 compared to all pre-pandemic cases. More research is urgently needed to
investigate the factors contributing to DCS in 2021 and whether this trend is
J’ai eu la chance infinie
que les femmes me fassent confiance et me confient leur intimité la plus grande
à travers ces témoignages.
J’écris ce livre comme un
devoir de mémoire, pour que nous n’oublions jamais ces années terrifiantes de
la Covid, ce à quoi nous avons été obligées, une expérimentation de masse,
avant même la fin des études cliniques officielles (prévue en 2023 et 2024).
Cette injection forcée qui a détruit la vie de dizaines de milliers d’entre
nous, les femmes, en France et dans le monde, et qui avons constaté après 1 ou
2 voire 3 injections notre cycle menstruel totalement perturbé. Hémorragique,
extrêmement douloureux ou absent, notre cycle et nos corps ne nous
appartenaient plus. Certaines ont même, douleur immense, perdu leur âme de
femme, de mère voire leur utérus...
La souffrance individuelle,
émotionnelle, cette détresse, a retenti douloureusement pour chacune, et
au-delà , à travers leur vie de couple, leur vie sexuelle, leur vie sociale et
leur désir de maternité parfois anéanti. C’est un drame personnel, immense, aux
conséquences psychologiques incalculables.
Je souhaite que nous nous
unissions, et qu’ensemble, nous les femmes, nous reprenions la souveraineté de
notre corps qui à travers les âges nous a trop souvent été enlevée.
La grande découverte de
cette triste aventure est cette force qui nous unit, loin de tout cliché, les
unes aux autres. Nous sommes symboles de chaleur et de Vie, celle que nous
construisons pour nos enfants au jour le jour ou que nous donnerions demain.
Au-delà de mon propre vécu,
ce livre est une recherche de justice et de vérité. Je veux rendre la parole
aux femmes, à leurs souffrances, et mettre en lumière leur solitude pour
qu’elle cesse.
L’histoire d’Où est mon
cycle, c’est notre histoire à toutes, ni seules, ni folles, dans une
société malade où l’économie et l’accumulation de richesses superflues passe
avant le futur et malheureusement avant ce qui doit être la première évidence :
la Vie.
Mélodie Feron est la
fondatrice du collectif OÙ EST MON CYCLE. Après 2 doses Pfizer, Mélodie a vu
ses règles se transformer en cascades, avec des douleurs inédites. Le corps
médical qu’elle consulte évoque le stress puis c’est le silence. Devant
l’inaction et le déni des autorités médicales, Mélodie a créé Où est mon
Cycle, elle a recueilli en 4 mois plus de 4500 témoignages de femmes qui
pour beaucoup ont reçu le même genre de non-réponse après le déclenchement de
ces troubles menstruels insensés consécutifs à leur injection « contre le Covid
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