Polyvalent Drugs, Corruption, and the Know-Nothing Leadership Class: Professor Didier Raoult’s Pandemic Post-Mortem
It has been three years since the new coronavirus appeared and most of the world appears to be moving on without giving it much thought. Hollywood has started to set stories in the pandemic with the film Glass Onion—A Knives Out Mystery standing out as an example. It satirizes, just a little, the mass psychosis of the time as the characters flaunt the new rules and carry on with their privileged lives. The public mood now seems to be more of a will to forget rather than a will to reckon with what just happened.
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Kate Hudson as Birdie Jay in Glass Onion, sporting her version of a mask that was, after all, no less effective than the masks worn by her servants. |
An article published
in the Daily
Kos on February 17, 2023 disparaged the anti-war rally to
be held in Washington on February 19, 2022, slandering all the left-wing
speakers involved by dismissing the event as a platform for right-wing
grifters, Putin apologists and conspiracy theorists. In the mix was the accusation
that many of the participants had peddled “Covid-19 conspiracy theories” during
the pandemic. Instead of noticing at this late date that almost everything that
was labelled “conspiracy theory” has come true, self-proclaimed progressives
stick to the official narrative: that masks and lockdowns were effective, the
vaccines—and only the vaccines—would end the pandemic, the vaccines were safe,
and the billions to be gained by the pharmaceutical companies did not influence
media or government policy. They cared about your welfare, apparently. Sideline
public safety in the pursuit of profit? They wouldn’t do that!
Maybe you wouldn’t,
but they would. This short saying perhaps sums up best the mass psychosis of
naivete that struck “first world” nations during the pandemic years. I don’t
have the motivation to go over it all again. Read my blog posts from 2020-21
for the record of how I covered it as it was happening. I called it early and
there is very little that I got wrong. I won my so-called “bet on the
pandemic,” which was not a bet at all. I committed the sin of “doing my own
research” and figured out what to do by reading the hundreds of dissenting
medical opinions. I suffered no damage from the infection, but, unfortunately,
I saw a dozen colleagues, friends and relatives experience serious adverse
events after getting their mRNA shots. Relationships also suffered some adverse
effects. But none of these people are dead, so this mood of forgetting and
moving on reminds me of something the fictional grifter Saul Goodman
liked to say: ’ts’all good, man! They did everything just right because,
you know, “It would have been worse if we hadn’t [fill in your own blank].”
People believe what they want to believe, and the world moves on to the next
thing. Joe Biden decided the Covid thing will be officially over on May 11th.
Maybe they have something big planned this year to commemorate Unternehmen Barbarossa
(1941/06/21). (Naaah, they wouldn’t do that!) Throughout history, war has
always been the answer for capitalism in crisis and its need for a great reset.
The pandemic served that role for a while, but they took that as far as they
As a short reminder
of a few of the pertinent issues to assess post-pandemic, what follows is an
excerpt of a recent interview with Professor Didier Raoult, the dissident
French doctor who saved his patients with early, effective treatments and spoke
early and often about the errors of public health policy. In the interview he gave
on February 14, 2023, he discussed the potential of new uses of off-patent
drugs, if governments can create a way to support the research and marketing of
them. This would be an alternative to the present corrupt practice of approving
new high cost patented drugs developed by pharmaceutical companies. Professor
Raoult also reminded us of the tremendous corruption that was on display during
the pandemic: the lies told about off-patent drugs, the promotion of the toxic
and useless drug remdesivir, the backroom text-messaged deals between the CEO
of Pfizer and the war-mongering lunatic president of the European Union, and
the pathetic level of scientific ignorance of journalists, bureaucrats and
Professor of Medicine, Didier Raoult: In France, the level of scientific research is very low
Sud Radio, 2023/02/14
Translated by Dennis Riches
interview was translated, edited and, in a few segments, paraphrased in order
to improve the clarity while preserving the speaker’s intent.
Didier Raoult: I’m
fairly optimistic. I think that there will be a shift with regard to the repurposing
of old drugs to treat diseases... Since the 19th century, we’ve been through a
technological revolution and an evolution of medicine that is partly based on
innovation but also on hygiene, on quality of life etc. Simply increasing the
size of houses has decreased the transmissibility of diseases. But after 150
years of chemistry we have an absolutely astounding inventory of compounds that
were found to be effective. But what’s more impressive is that the compounds
found in nature are very often dual use, or polyvalent. It is now a question of
exploiting the versatility of these compounds and testing them. For example,
there are a number of molecules that have been shown in the laboratory to be
effective against this virus [SARS-Cov-2]—including neuroleptics and sedatives—and
this was unexpected. So these molecules exist, and we know that they are not
toxic. That’s why the greatest fantasy sold [during the pandemic] was the alleged
toxicity of hydroxychloroquine, a drug that had been prescribed for 70 years. Or
ivermectin is another example. So we know their toxicity. We know that they don’t
have toxicity at certain doses, so we have to test their efficacy in other
situations, and many compounds have uses that are unsuspected. So there can be a
recycling of these drugs which costs nothing because these drugs are
inexpensive. And this is actually the problem with them. I warned a few years
ago in a column I wrote to say that we must find a social space for someone to
earn money by developing these drugs.
But the world is
changing... whatever the subject is. We think that in Paris we run a part of
the world, and then Europe runs another, and the United States runs the rest,
but as a total of the world population these places are not very big. In other
places they know how to deal with corruption better than we do. For example,
the Chinese have punished very, very severely...
I’m not a
conspiracy theorist. I don’t believe that there is a summit of people who talk
to each other and decide the affairs of the world, but when you find out that
corruption is one of the problems... It’s obvious... Pfizer has been hit with
between 13 billion and 20 billion in penalties in the United States in the last
few years, so we have discovered that Pfizer is likely to be corrupt and we
seem to find it normal that the president of the European Commission negotiated
with the CEO of Pfizer, without any witnesses present [the
text messages of Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, and
Ursula Von der Leyen, president of the European Commission]. I think they don’t
care about the world.
Corruption is as
old as the world. I like to study history and I can tell you that corruption is
as old as human history. It requires checks and balances. It requires analysis.
It requires transparency. That’s what prevents corruption. So when we see that they
can spend 40 billion euros without the slightest transparency, we remain a
little suffocated. [Remdesivir] brought in a billion euros for the manufacturer
at a time when the
WHO said it was useless. Europe bought a billion euros worth
of it, and we don’t know who decided that.
There is a very
important phenomenon that has not been talked about enough, in my opinion. In
politics and among journalists there is of course an absolute, terrible,
terrifying ignorance of what science is, and not only that but also a
disinterest... They are uncomfortable with people who do not depend on them.
They are people who have learned to talk about anything without knowing what
they are talking about… These are people who are adapted to a particular
selection mechanism, which does not equate with a spectacular level of
intelligence. So when they find themselves in front of people who have very,
very different backgrounds and who have obtained things not by obedience to
different cabinets or to different ministers but by their own means, they are
perplexed. And we are perplexed also because we don’t take them very seriously.
Meanwhile, they say, “Who do these people think they are?”
Pr. Raoult : Le niveau d’analyse de la science est très bas en France
Sud Radio, 2023/02/14
Je suis assez optimiste. Je pense qu’il y aura une
bascule à faire et qui qui va se passer, si vous voulez, avec le
repositionnement de molécules anciennes pour battre les choses... On a vécu
depuis le 19e siècle une révolution technologique et une évolution de la
médecine qui est en partie basée sur l’innovation [et] … sur l’hygiène, la
qualité de vie. Simplement, le fait d’agrandir la taille des maisons a diminué
la transmissibilité des maladies. Mais au bout de 150 ans de chimie … on a un
capital chimique absolument considérable or les molécules ont été découvertes
pour une efficacité et à cette efficacité alors que les molécules en
particulier issues de la nature sont très souvent polyvalentes. Il s’agit
maintenant d’utiliser la polyvalence de ces molécules et de les tester. Par
exemple, il y a une quantité de molécules dont on a montré qu’elles étaient, au
laboratoire, efficaces contre ce virus—y compris des neuroleptiques, y compris
des calmants—ce qui était imprévus. Donc ces molécules existent. Elles ont un
intérêt et on connaît leur absence de toxicité. C’est pour ça que le plus grand
fantasme a été la toxicité de l’hydroxychloroquine sur un des médicaments
prescrits depuis 70 ans, ou l’ivermectine. Donc on connaît leur toxicité. On
sait qu’ils n’ont pas de toxicité à certaines doses, et donc il faut tester
leur efficacité dans d’autres situations, et beaucoup de molécules ont des
efficacités qui sont insoupçonnées. Et donc il y a un recyclage de ces
molécules ne qui coûtent rien parce que ces molécules ne coûtent rien. C’est
leur problème d’ailleurs. J’avais alerté il y a quelques années dans une
chronique pour dire il faut leur trouver un espace social pour que quelqu’un
gagne de l’argent à développer ses molécules parce que sinon.
Mais le monde change… quelle que soit le sujet à penser
que si vous voulez à paris on dirige une partie du monde et puis que l’Europe
dirige le reste, et les États-Unis dirige le reste, mais tout ça ensemble dans
la population mondiale n’est pas très gros. Donc les chiffons se foutent un peu.
Ils savent mieux traiter que nous la corruption. Par exemple, les Chinois ont
puni très, très sévèrement...
Je ne suis pas un complotiste. Je ne crois pas qu’il y ait
un sommet de gens qui discutent entre eux et qui règlent les affaires du
monde, mais quand on découvre que la corruption est un des paramètres... C’est évident...
Pfizer a été condamné entre 13 milliards et 20 milliards de pénalités aux
États-Unis ces dernières années. Alors si on découvre maintenant que Pfizer est
susceptible de donner des corruptions et si on trouve normal que la présidente
de la commission discute toute seule avec Pfizer sans témoin [les SMS d’Albert Bourla (PDG de Pfizer) et de Ursula Von
der Leyen (présidente de la Commission européenne)]. Je trouve qu’ils se fichent du monde… La corruption est
vieille comme le monde. J’aime bien l’histoire. Je peux vous dire que la
corruption est aussi vieille que l’histoire humain. Ça nécessite des
contre-pouvoirs. Ça nécessite des analyses. Ça nécessite de la transparence. C’est
ce qui évite la corruption. Donc à chaque fois quand on voit qu’on peut signer
40 milliards d’euros sans la moindre transparence, on reste un peu suffoqué. Ça
serait [remdesivir] pour l’industrie un milliard au moment où l’OMS dit que ça ne sert à rien. L’Europe en a acheté pour un milliard et on sait pas
qui a décidé de ça.
Il y a un phénomène qui est très important dont on n’a
pas assez parlé à mon sens. Il y a bien sûr que—nous sommes d’accord—il y a une
ignorance absolue, terrible, terrifiante de ce qu’est est la science dans la
politique et chez les journalistes, et non seulement ça mais du coup un
désintérêt… Ils sont mal à l’aise avec des gens qui ne dépendent pas d’eux. Ce
sont des gens qui apprennent à parler de n’importe quoi sans savoir de quoi ils
parlent. Ce sont des gens qui sont adaptés à un mécanisme de sélection
particulière, ce qui ne traduit pas à une forme d’intelligence spectaculaire.
Donc c’est vrai que quand ils se retrouvent en face de gens qui ont des cursus
très, très différents et qui ont obtenu les choses non pas par la succession
des obéissances à différents cabinets ou à différents ministres mais par leurs
propres moyens, ils ont des difficultés. Et nous aussi avons des difficultés
parce que nous ne les prenons pas très au sérieux. Et eux, ils se disent « mais
pour qui ces gens se prennent ? »
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