1790s Flashback: You Say You Want a Revolution?
conservative philosophers, self-help gurus and self-described “thought leaders”
uphold the primacy of Western secular values, but they overlook the necessity
of the revolutionary events that midwifed them into existence. This article discusses
the relevance of the French and Haitian Revolutions to the present political
climate in which, with little serious reflection, new calls for the guillotine
are being heard in some quarters while in others the call for revolution is
being dismissed as a choice that could lead only to chaos and mass atrocities.
French proverb: The
worst is escort of the best (Le pire
côtoie le meilleure)
You say you want
a revolution... We all want to change the world, but when you talk about
destruction, don’t you know that you can count me out? Don’t you know it’s
gonna be all right? You say you got a real solution. We’d all love to see the
plan. You ask me for a contribution, but if you want money for people with
minds that hate, all I can tell is brother, you have to wait. We all want to
change your head... You better free you mind instead... if you go carrying
pictures of chairman Mao, you ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow. Don’t
you know it’s gonna be all right?
John Lennon and Paul McCartney, 1968
late 1968, John Lennon renounced the possibility of revolution in Western
nations. With his song Revolution he helped
create the attitude toward social change that has reigned ever since. With his
fighting words condemning the rebels of his time for flawed thinking, talk of
destruction, and lack of a plan, John Lennon expressed, and helped create, a
lasting belief in non-violent protest and pursuing peace through personal
transformation—freeing your mind instead, as he put it.
the song appeared, the far left abandoned Lennon, calling him a bourgeois
celebrity gatekeeper for the establishment. But for the right it was still
important to think of him as the limit of what was thinkable as the extreme left.
In the following years he was harassed by the FBI and almost deported from the
US. Culture critics on the right said that his pacifism was just cover for his
radicalism. Later songs like Give Peace a
Chance and Imagine were adored by
fans, but dismissed by some on both right and left as utopian treacle. These
songs continued the message that no radical action was necessary. Patience and
incremental reform through peaceful protest became the prevailing approaches to
changing the world.
Lennon’s defense, one could note that his attitude was aimed at radicals within
Western countries. He believed violent tactics served no purpose in that
context because, in spite of the appearance of revolution being in the air,
there was no mass support for revolution, and no major crisis within the political
establishment. It was obvious that circumstances in 1968 did not meet Vladimir
Lenin’s three necessary conditions for a revolutionary situation:
The ruling classes are no longer able to
rule in the old way. Factions in the elite have exhausted themselves by
fighting each other.
All the vacillating, wavering, unstable,
intermediate elements of society have sufficiently exposed themselves in the
eyes of the people and bankrupted themselves politically.
The ruled can no longer tolerate being
ruled in the old way. A mass sentiment among the exploited and oppressed
masses, in favor of supporting the most determined, supremely bold
revolutionary action, has begun vigorously to grow.
contrast to 1968, the second decade of the 21st century is being called a time
that is ripe for revolution, so it is worthwhile to examine this premise and
consider the prospects for revolution.
frequency search results for the words guillotine and pitchforks started to
rise after the 2008 financial system collapse, and it’s a safe bet that they
took a sharp rise after the US election in 2016. One can now hear many voices
on the street saying it’s time to “hang the bankers” or “bring back the
guillotine.” This is very peculiar to see in a nation that has not seen a
revolution in the past two centuries—and not really a revolution at that. The
American Revolution was an independence war, and it involved no struggle to
emancipate slaves or the working class. It is strange, in one additional way,
to see the call for blood coming from young people who were born after 1967-1970,
the last time there was significant social unrest in such places as Detroit,
Chicago, Paris, Prague, Mexico City, Bangkok and Kent State. Many of the people
now calling for heads to roll have little knowledge of the history of
revolutions, let alone direct experience of the extreme instability that
precedes a revolution.
John Lennon was correct as far as his own situation was concerned, but outside
of Western nations, in the places suffering from Western military invasion, Lennon’s
pacifist message would have seemed laughable to people such as Nelson Mandela
and Ho Chi Minh.
We’d all love to
see the plan
naive view of revolution might see it as a deliberate and sudden violent
upheaval that quickly replaces one government with another that is radically
different in terms of ideology and allegiances. It was inevitable. It’s time
had come, and nothing could stand in its way. However, actual revolutions tend
to be protracted and bloody, with victory being rather ambiguously defined as
the conflict drags on. The revolution comes about without a plan, without
designated leaders, and it is triggered by small events that quickly lead to
others of great consequence. Most revolutions are stillborn or short-lived. The
color revolutions of the early 21st century were quickly overtaken by
reactionary governments that looked a lot like the old status quo. Just before
and during the initial phase, no one knows a revolution is about to happen. It
emerges out of the accelerating decay of the old regime, and those who have
been waiting for revolution usually have to scramble to take advantage of the
So when John Lennon sang “We’d all love to see the plan” he was asking for the impossible. Plans are for NGOs, think tanks and election campaign manifestos, or the state security agencies that actually foment what the public believes to be the color revolution of the day.
The seeds of revolutions are made by the new
ideas, inequality and anger that develop over decades, but the seeds sprout
only when the desperation of a populace has reached the point where there is
nothing left to lose by taking action, and prognosticators are very poor at
predicting when that time will arrive.
But when you talk
about destruction...
after Revolution was released, the US
intensified its bombing campaign of Cambodia to a level that, by 1973, exceeded
to tonnage of bombs dropped on Japan in World War II, which still was not
enough to defeat the Khmer Rouge (in Cambodia) or the Vietcong (in Vietnam). No
doubt these armies wouldn’t have thought much of Lennon’s pacifist message
because they didn’t give up until they had prevailed. Millions of people were
willing to sacrifice their lives to repel the invader from Southeast Asia,
regardless of its willingness to escalate the violence to atrocious levels.
Lennon believed it was “gonna be all right” if the oppressed unilaterally swore
off of violence, but the Vietcong disagreed.
bombing of Cambodia illustrates what happens in any struggle that threatens to
bring about significant change. The reactionary forces will use all measures at
their disposal to kill the revolution, firstly by striking it directly, and
secondly by forcing it to discredit itself with its own extremism. Once the
revolution is put in this position, the reactionaries have begun to destroy its
popular support. They have created the propaganda that there is no alternative:
Look. They’re sadistic tyrants. They just wanted power.
Synopsis: The
French Revolution
Outline of the French Revolution
1789: End of absolute monarchy. Economic
crisis creates an opening for the third estate—representatives of “commoners”
who are actually members of the bourgeois and the capitalist class vying for
a say in who would be taxed to resolve the economic crisis. They are given
seats in the Estates General (the legislature under the ancien régime). Revolution is triggered by the third estate
succeeding in bringing members of the clergy and nobility to its side, taking
over this body and renaming it the National Assembly.
July 1789: Storming of the Bastille.
Popular resistance on the street strengthens the National Assembly and
weakens the role of the monarchy, nobility and clergy.
1789-1793: Constitutional monarchy. Foundation
of the Republic prepared in the constituent assembly.
September 1792: First Republic declared
by national convention, aims to remove monarchy from any role in government.
January 1793: Execution of Louis VXI,
decisive end of a role for monarchy in government. Left-leaning Jacobins gain
April 1793: Committee for Public Safety
established, run by executive branch (Reign of Terror). Thousands of
executions, civil war, wars with foreign powers.
1793: New constitution drafted, ratified
by popular vote in August. “Emergency” requires suspension of the 1789
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
July 1794: Thermidorian Reaction,
founding of new right-leaning government called the Directory. Execution of Jacobin
leader Robespierre.
1799: Economic crisis. Ongoing war and
terror. Government incompetence leads to a coup. Napoleon takes power in a government
called “the Consulate.” Slavery re-instated in the colonies.
1804: Napoleon becomes emperor. First
Republic abolished.
1814: Bourbon Monarchy Restoration
(constitutional monarchy).
1830: July Revolution. Transfer of power
from the House of Bourbon to the House of Orléans (constitutional monarchy).
1848: Overthrow of monarchy. Second
Republic declared.
1851: Coup. Second Empire led by Napoleon
III, nephew of Napoleon I.
1870: Third Republic.
March 28 - May 28, 1871: Paris Commune.
1946: Fourth Republic.
1958~: Fifth Republic.
revolution occurred in July 1789 when the third estate became dominant in the
National Assembly and commoners attacked the Bastille, but in a philosophical
sense it is impossible to say when it began or when, or if, it ended. In 1972,
Chinese premier Zhouen Lai quipped about the French Revolution that it was too
soon to judge its impact. He thought he was answering a question about the
unrest in Paris in 1968, but the comment was so accidentally clever that it
became a legendary insight into the human condition.
18th century had been such a tumultuous challenge to reigning monarchies that
the previous decades could be seen as the long prodrome to revolution. Voltaire’s
triumphant return to Paris in 1778, after twenty-eight years in exile, was one
of many signs that the divine rights of kings would end soon. We could be in
the prodrome stage of the second American revolution now, but there is no
saying how long it will last. There has been much talk in recent decades about
the end of the “divine right” of corporations to rule the world, the two
political parties are disintegrating, and power holders have lost control of
the media and the message just as surely as they failed to stop Voltaire’s
essays from reaching the masses.
Everywhere I hear
the sound of marching, charging feet... summer’s here and the time is right
for fighting in the street... Well, what can a poor boy do except to sing for
a rock ‘n’ roll band because in sleepy London town there’s just no place for
a street fighting man... the time is right for a palace revolution... where I
live the game to play is compromised solution... I’ll shout and scream. I’ll
kill the king. I’ll rail at all his servants.
Fighting Man, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, 1968
goes down in history books as the start of the revolution may have, at the time,
looked like just another event in a series of incremental changes and power
struggles among wealthy factions of society. In 1788, there was no
revolutionary leader, and no one had a plan or a vision for what lay ahead. New
forms of media (the printing press) had spread the ideas of the Enlightenment
and undermined the authority of the first and second estate (the nobility and
the clergy) to control property and decide popular opinion and fashions. Endless
war, economic crises and crop failures had pushed the masses to the brink.
Bankers were bearing down on the monarchy to tax the nobility and clergy (who
had massive land holdings and revenue from parishioners) to pay off the
national debt. The common people no longer took their cues from the nobility
and religious authorities, and they demanded to be recognized and empowered as
the third estate. The king was aware of everything the Enlightenment
philosophers were saying and of England’s revolution and transition to
constitutional monarchy (which occurred roughly from 1640-1688). Louis XVI was
attempting to manage a transition that would allow him to stay on the throne.
the French revolution began as a moderate reform that Louis XVI had to consent
to. The third estate was given a place in the king’s legislative assembly
alongside the nobility and the clergy. Once they had a place in the system,
things took a turn that was unprecedented and unforeseen. The third estate brought
enough members of the clergy and nobility to its side to gain control over the
assembly just as demand for change exploded in the streets. Commoners stormed
the Bastille and seized armaments. Foreign armies that had come to defend the
king were struck by the French army’s lack of interest in the same task.
a violent women’s march on Versailles forced the king to return to Paris. The
king was controlled and tolerated there for the next three years, and he used
his granted veto powers in the new republic to stall progressive legislation.
After three years of upheaval caused by conservative reactionaries, civil war,
and foreign wars, the king and queen (Marie Antoinette) tried to flee in 1791,
but they were caught and brought back to Paris. Exiled nobility and foreign
monarchies were constantly agitating to put Louis XVI back on the throne and
restore the ancien régime. Louis XVI
protested that he was loyal to the Republic, but his attempted escape increased
suspicions that he was biding his time, waiting for and conspiring with
domestic and foreign supporters who could help him recover his throne. Finally,
the republican government could no longer risk having him alive. He was guillotined
on January 21, 1793. Marie Antoinette was executed in October that same year.
republican government now led by the Jacobins fell into the classic trap that
confronts by most revolutions, described aptly by Frederick Engels:
The worst thing that can befall a leader of
an extreme party is to be compelled to take over a government in an epoch when
the movement is not yet ripe for the domination of the class which he
represents, and for the realization of the measure which that domination
the left of the government, the masses who had supported the revolution were
complaining they had gained little. Instead, they were continually being asked
to toil on their farms like they did before, or to fight in the endless wars to
secure the final victory for the revolution. To the right of the government,
there was endless opposition from dispossessed clergy and nobility, and from
foreign monarchies who feared the spread of the revolution. And the revolution
had been initiated, after all, by the wealthy creditors who wanted a resolution
of the financial crisis. The popular revolt was helpful to them, but their
interests didn’t align with it. Thus the initial predominance of the leftist
Jacobins was always in a defensive position, so they reacted to the
reactionaries with the persecution of enemies that spiraled into the famous
“terror”—thousands of public executions by guillotine, as well as other forms
of mass murder of unarmed citizens. In addition to the elimination of political
opponents, there was more widespread violence in the countryside, where much of
the killing was done under ideological cover to settle scores or to seize
property and scarce resources. There were also allegations of false flag terror
attacks being perpetrated to discredit Robespierre. He was eventually pushed out and executed (read here his speech to the convention, 1794/02/05), after which the
right-leaning bourgeois government took power then had its own era of terror
and corruption. This new regime’s corruption and incompetence eventually
created a public desperation for stability. When Napoleon became first consul
after a coup in 1799, the First Republic was for all practical purposes
finished. It was officially ended in 1804 when Napoleon declared himself
![]() |
Jacques-Louis David's painting Death of Marat (1793), depicting the murdered Jacobin radical Jean-Paul Marat. |
who wishes for a revolution to fix things now has to keep in mind this
fifteen-year trajectory and ask what was really accomplished, or how such a
series of events could be avoided. In spite of the decades of war and misery
that followed the Revolution, it exemplified the proverb cited above: the worst
is escort of the best (le pire côtoie le
meilleure). The revolution is credited with establishing in law and custom
all the positive values of Western civilization: it led to the suppression of
the feudal system, the emancipation of the individual, the greater division of
landed property, the abolition of the privileges of noble birth and the
establishment of equality. The revolution led to the rise of republics and
democracies elsewhere. It was a focal point in the development of political
ideologies such as liberalism, radicalism, socialism, nationalism, and
secularism. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen also
inspired movements for universal suffrage and the abolition of slavery. In
spite of these positives, the Revolution fell short of delivering a radical
change in the lives of the poor and the working class. With the American
Revolution, it ushered in the age of economic liberalism, which has been
constrained only for a short period between 1945 and 1975.[2]
one is to judge the Revolution by its violence and its campaigns of terror,
these have to be put in perspective with all that had happened, and would have
continued to happen, under rule by the divine right of kings. The table below
puts the violence of the Revolution in perspective:
Tally of deaths in wars France was involved in 1500-1815
(from Wikipedia):
French wars of
religion (16th century): 2 to 4 million
Seven Years War
(1756-1763): 800,000-1.4 million
Napoleonic wars
(1803-1815): 3.5 to 7 million
revolutionary wars (1792-1802): 1 million
(These figures of
one million or more deaths include the deaths of civilians from diseases,
famine, etc., as well as deaths of soldiers in battle, massacres and
If we condemn the French Revolution, we deny the good that came from it, as well as what more could have come from it if it had not been so violently opposed. If, because of the terror of Robespierre, we conclude that revolution will always fail and always lead to a “tyranny” worse than or equal to that of the present, we are saying revolution wasn’t necessary then, either. We accept the violence and structural violence of the status quo of that time, which included all the evils of feudalism, constant warfare, the Atlantic slave trade, and plantation slavery in the colonies. On the topic of revolution’s use of authoritarian means, Engels wrote:
A revolution is certainly the most
authoritarian thing there is; it is the act whereby one part of the population
imposes its will upon the other part by means of rifles, bayonets and
cannon—authoritarian means, if such there be at all; and if the victorious
party does not want to have fought in vain, it must maintain this rule by means
of the terror which its arms inspire in the reactionists. Would the Paris
Commune [1871] have lasted a single day if it had not made use of this
authority of the armed people against the bourgeois?[3]
The Revolution in
Saint-Domingue (Haiti)
overview of the French Revolution would not be complete without mention of the
revolution it inspired in the French colony Saint-Domingue (now Haiti). News of
the Revolution spread throughout the world, and the Declaration of the Rights
of Man and of the Citizen was taken at its word by the slaves there. The colony
was described at the time as a volcano ready to explode because of the huge
slave population (250,000) relative to the population of white settlers
(32,000). The revolution in France split the loyalties of the settlers, many of
whom wanted to form an independent republic like the United States—one that would
still permit slavery without the interference of the “do-gooders” back in the
metropole who made laws to restrict the cruelty of slavery, or who might soon
abolish it. The colony also had a population of mulattos and freed slaves. A
rebellion was ignited by 2,000 insurgents who plotted to destroy plantations on
the night of August 21, 1791. By November it was an army of 80,000. The leader
who emerged, Toussaint Louverture, was similar to his counterpart in France, the
lawyer Robespierre. Both had been the sort of person who could have lived
comfortably among the bourgeoisie, but they nonetheless sided against their
personal interests to fight for the liberation of others.
was a freed slave who managed a small farm and even had slaves of his own. He
was not initially involved in the insurgency, as he had reason to wait and see
which way it was going to go. He was worldly enough to understand the broader
consequences of what would happen after the initial wave of violence. He was
Catholic and socially conservative, with an understanding of how the colony’s
agricultural economy would have to remain productive in order to support a
prolonged war and an independent nation. He was interested in ending slavery by
turning slave labor into salaried labor, without creating high expectations
that would equate freedom with not having to toil on a plantation.
of the slaves in the colony had memories of feudal hierarchies and monarchs in
their native cultures, and before the revolution they had seen Louis XVI as a
possible ally. Ironically, it had been the French kings who tried to regulate the
excessive cruelty and greed of slave owners in Saint-Domingue. Their code noir set out permissible forms of
punishment and methods by which masters could free slaves and slaves could
purchase their freedom. During the revolution, it took slaves a while to figure
out whether their loyalties should be with the monarchy or the Republic. The
Republic did not grant freedom to slaves in the colonies until February 1794,
and that was done more for strategic reasons—to prevent full independence and
to keep the Spanish and British out.
Louverture joined the rebellion, he turned it into an effective military
campaign that stunned European armies. Yet once the revolution had succeeded,
he was faced with the same dilemma faced by the French republicans: how to
respond to the brutal tactics of reactionary forces while convincing supporters
to go back to the farms to produce the food and exports that would sustain the fight.
Robespierre, Louverture responded with his own harsh control of the domestic
population. He lost much support because of it, and it was not until later in
the war that Haitians realized the necessity of these measures. They realized
that all the European powers, republic or monarchy, were determined to not have
a free black republic anywhere in the world setting an example for others. When
Napoleon rose to power in 1799, he simply asked his advisors under which regime
the colonies had been most prosperous, and upon hearing that it was the ancien régime, he restored slavery and
mulatto discrimination.[4]
launched a new war on Saint-Domingue and had Louverture arrested and brought
back to France, where he died soon after in solitary confinement. Now, as a
martyr, he had no opposition in his homeland. His death galvanized a renewed war
against the French. Napoleon would later regret his campaign against Saint-Domingue
and Louverture as a great blunder. On January 1, 1804, the new nation named Haiti
(from the indigenous Taino language) became the first nation in the Caribbean
to declare its independence.[5]
stands out in this story once again, in contrast to John Lennon’s message, is
how much devastation people were willing to endure in order change their world.
When towns could not be held, plantations and cities were burned down by
retreating Haitians, and water fountains were filled with animal corpses just
to ensure that the invaders would have no way to sustain themselves. No one
said, “Count me out” if you’re talking about destruction.
Free your mind
the admonition to “free your mind instead,” Lennon followed the Western psychic
drift away from the political to the personal. From the 1970s onward, it was
all about the inward journey. Pop psychology peddled the notion that “a paucity
of positive thinking... is the source of individual angst, alienation and suffering
in general under the neoliberal order.”[6]
It’s a significant coincidence that billions of dollars have been made in the
self-help industry ever since this time when the US shifted off the gold
standard and the postwar era of economic nationalism gave way to neoliberal
This was also the time when class consciousness was killed off and substituted
with identity politics. Former CIA operative Gloria Steinem emerged as a leader
of the feminist movement, and various other groups emerged, all focused on
their own campaigns, to the detriment of labor unions, international
solidarity, and a coordinated resistance to militarism, Cold War antagonism and
the economic forces that would erode the standard of living for the next fifty
On the right, social malaise is often attributed to leftists who abandoned
Marxism and became “neo-Marxist” post-modern destroyers of all that is good
about Western civilization, but conservative critics of this faux-left
consistently overlook what these changes did to weaken the left. To identify
the cause, ask cui bono?
could even wonder if the entire field of psychology has been distorted and used
in an intelligence agency psy-op, so effective has it been in convincing
atomized individuals to look inward for solutions to their problems. A recent
article in Best Schools listing the “top 50 psychologists in the world” named
academics who were all based at universities in the English-speaking world.[9]
Here we have a US-based organization “comprised of a dedicated group of
educators” applying the “best in the world label” when they could not possibly
be capable of assessing the work of psychologists in the non-English speaking
world. Is there a name for this obliviousness combined with high self-regard?
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders may have a term for it.
advice in the self-help books worked pretty well for Americans as long as one
had started out in life with some advantages and there was a relatively strong
economy within which one could self-actualize. But as structural problems and inequality
worsened, the limitations of psychological counseling became obvious. It would
have been obvious to anyone in 1970 that talk therapy wouldn’t be much use to
someone living on the street in Calcutta, but it didn’t occur to many that
structural disadvantages could one day be a limiting factor in the lives of
middle-class white Americans.
spite of the obviousness of the need for political and structural reform, the
self-help meme stubbornly persists, perhaps even more stridently because it’s
not such an easy sell now. Of course, it’s always been half true. No one can
deny the common sense wisdom behind the advice to develop inner strength and to
cultivate one’s own garden (see Voltaire’s Candide,
published in 1759).
latest guru to climb up the pop charts and go viral is University of Toronto
psychology professor Jordan Peterson. He has many worthwhile things to say
about human nature, evolutionary psychology and the roots of hierarchy being in
our genes, rather than in a culturally invented patriarchy. He is one of the
first secular voices in a long while to strike a chord with young men,
inspiring them to be ambitious and virtuous, and to quit slouching through a
prolonged, aimless adolescence. There is much to admire and take seriously in
his work.
self-help advice is not very original, however, as it is derived, as he would
surely admit, from Judeo-Christian moral traditions and the work ethic promoted
during the industrial revolution. His advice to young men is not much different
from what conservative Christian groups such as Promise Keepers have been
saying for a long time. His own description of chapter four in his recent book,
Twelve Rules for Life: An Antidote to
Chaos, is very similar to the fictional self-help method called “baby steps”
that was portrayed so comically by Richard Dreyfus and Bill Murray in the 1991
film What About Bob?[10]
makes valid defenses of free speech and powerful criticisms of the excesses of
political correctness, but he often confounds “leftists” with their pale
imitation, the bourgeois post-modern “left.” Peterson blames Western
civilization’s demise on this imagined “left” rather than on the alienating
effects of capitalism or the privileged beneficiaries of its bureaucracies. He
extolls the virtues of Western civilization, but conveniently forgets that
socialism and Marxism themselves were products of Western civilization. He
loves to decry the excesses of Soviet and Chinese socialism, yet has nothing to
say about Western atrocities. He fails to note that Lenin, Stalin and Mao would
have agreed with him about the destructiveness of identity politics and
political correctness. The socialist revolutions promoted all the same
conservative social values that Peterson extolls: be ambitious, competitive and
devoted to family and community. There’s no free ride. Condemn vices like
gambling, drug abuse, pornography and prostitution. Work hard. Utopia is a long
way off because the enemies who despise our achievements never rest.
greatest contradiction arises when he complains that young people should “sort
themselves out” before trying to change the world. He literally tells them to
clean their rooms before they even think about lifting a finger to change one
thing in the outside world. It’s too complex, he says. How are you going to
have any plan for fixing the world when you can’t even get your own life
together? That’s what leads to tyranny, apparently, because every revolutionary
was supposedly a malignant, lazy narcissist with a bloodlust. There is
obviously some truth in the advice to improve oneself, but that is precisely
why the advice is so annoying. It is so unoriginal and obvious that it can’t be
advanced as a solution to the more difficult question of how one should
participate in improving the wider world.
major contradiction in this advice from Peterson—so similar to the views of
fellow travelers who call themselves modernists, eco-modernists,
techno-optimists, new optimists, or atheists—is that they all tout Western
values as the crowning achievement of human civilization, yet they ignore the
evident truth that I’ve tried to illustrate in this essay. These values did not
become embedded in Western civilization just because Enlightenment philosophers
wrote about them. These values took over the world because some very imperfect,
young and un-sorted-out people stormed the Bastille in 1789, or because in 1791
rebels in Saint-Domingue followed the vision of their voodoo priest and burned
down the plantations that enslaved their brothers and sisters.
Peterson said in his recent lecture promoting his book that for him too, the
work is never done, so this statement only adds to the contradiction.[11]
The advice implies that almost no one should ever try to change the world. In
an interview on his book tour he was asked by Jonathan Rowson, “If it [sorting
myself out] is so difficult, and I need to spend most of my time and energy
dealing with that, who are the people who are going to be doing the other work
that needs to be done culturally and politically?” The simple answer was,
“Hopefully, competent people, with any luck.”[12]
He offered no explanation of who would set the standards by which such people are
selected. The clergy and nobility of the 18th century would have surely agreed
with him, though. Rowson went on to say this advice to young people lacked “social
imagination.” I would add that telling young people not to attempt changing the
world contradicts Peterson’s own advice to act boldly and honestly in the
world. Peterson tells young people to stand straight with their shoulders back,
but for what purpose? How are they supposed to learn how to be active
participants in society if they are consigned to being passive observers while
they are young? He has suggested in his videos that young people should figure
out how to make a product or service that someone wants to pay for. That is a
fine survival tip for the economic system we live in, but it still leaves the
individual excluded from the political sphere.
suggestion that the young should stay out of politics re-opens the old
generational war that exploded in the 1960s when Bob Dylan sang The Times They are a-Changin’. This war
shouldn’t have to be re-fought, but I’ll just add this: It wasn’t the younger
generation that created nuclear arsenals and the doctrine of mutually assured
destruction. Why should young people accept it as a sign of mental competence
of the older generation? As far as mental health goes, dissipation takes time. In
spite of the advantages of their wisdom and experience, the old are prone to
corruption, mental decline, addiction, laziness and incompetence in ways that the
young are not, and many are worse people at fifty than they were at twenty. Peterson
is a strong believer in the achievements of Western civilization, but his argument
here is authoritarian. Perhaps his views have been shaped too much by his work
in his clinical psychology practice and his encounters with his most unpleasant
critics—experiences which may have led him to exaggerate the number of young
people who are “not competent” for life in the public sphere. Following the
logic of his argument, however, one would have to conclude that all “un-sorted-out”
people should be identified and disenfranchised, and that leads to some very
pre-Enlightenment “non-Western” beliefs.
who would like to see a second American revolution could ask themselves if the
present situation meets Lenin’s three pre-conditions for revolution, or how the
events of the French Revolution might play out within the American context. If
it were to go the same way as the French Revolution, the scenario might be
something like this: The disenfranchised segments of the population, a modern
equivalent of the third estate, now emboldened by new information and new media
available in recent decades, could take over the Democratic Party from within.
Once there, they would push out the old guard beholden to lobbyists, forcing
resignations of officials and members of Congress and electing radically new
people to replace the incumbents. On the street, popular protests and rioting
in Washington would close in on the Pentagon and CIA headquarters, then
factions of the armed forces would come to support them. Soon after, a woman’s
protest would storm the White House, blocking the president from taking golf holidays,
effectively holding him hostage to assure he works with the new government, if
he wants to keep his head attached to his body.
constituent assembly would be elected to draft a new constitution and govern
during the transition period. Leaders and policies would emerge on the fly, but
some new and inspiring values might emerge from this process. A new Declaration
of the Rights of Humanity and the Ecosphere might inspire social transformations
throughout the world. A civil war might break out, and external enemies might
launch a counter-revolution, but since the US is the most powerful nation,
resented for over a century by the rest of the world, it is hard to imagine who
the foreign reactionaries might be. Who would have the strength or the desire
to bring back the ancien régime? The
world would say good riddance. Or it could be a global class war in which
national identities mattered very little. The greatest potential for violence
would be among the domestic population, and everyone knows which political
faction has weapons stocked up.
would it end? How many millions dead in a reactionary terror? Would a general
take charge a decade later to declare himself emperor? And would this decade of
upheaval be credited in the future with establishing new fundamental values for
the continuation of civilization?
worry. For now, despite some vague talk about pitchforks, hanging bankers and
bringing back the guillotine, a revolution is far off. The situation does not
yet meet Lenin’s pre-conditions, but it could if a severe economic crisis
arose. Americans are still too comfortable and complacent to revolt, and
military personnel are nowhere close to backing any insurrection, as they did
in the French and Bolshevik revolutions. The majority of Americans still have a
long way to go to reach the level desperation of the French in the 18th century,
or the Russians after World War I. Furthermore, modern military hardware could
not fall so easily to a mob. Seizing the Bastille was relatively easy compared
to what would be needed now to take over the Pentagon, not to mention the
command and control structure of a global military network in possession sixty
drone bases and 7,000 nuclear warheads.
this is all beside the point because most of the calls for “bringing back the
guillotine” are coming from people who are merely upset that a vulgar huckster
became president and tarnished what they believe to be America’s reputation as
the light of the world. Few members of “the resistance” have any concern for
the global resentment caused by American supremacy over the last 120 years. In
fact, the resistance seems to be 90% fueled by a resentment that Trump has
blown the nation’s cover and ruined the good thing it had going. Instead of preserving
the empire, Trump might hasten a decline that will make America a great but
regular country again, one with only its fair share of the planet’s resources.
happens, strange days are ahead. There may be no revolution, but there will be
an unraveling. Historian Alfred McCoy believes we can expect it to come
rapidly at any time:
All empires are fragile at the moment of
their ascent, when their legions are marching, when they blacken the skies with
their aircraft and their ships thunder off the coasts. They march across
continents, sweeping petty states before them. They seem so unstoppable, so
mighty, so eternal, but actually, unlike the organic resources of even a
modest-sized nation state, whose defense and economy and state operations arise
organically from the people and the land, these empires are operating overseas
far from home, at extraordinary cost. They’re incredible jury-rigged, fragile
apparatuses, so they look mighty at the peak of their power, but once they
begin to fall apart there’s kind of a cascading effect. They fall apart with an
unholy speed.[13]
writing the essay, I noticed how often the words “head” and “mind” were used in
varied senses throughout the literature. In Revolution,
Lennon implored “change your head” and “free you mind.” There are heads of
state, heads of factions, heads of armies, voodoo heads, heads chopped off in
the guillotine, heads filled with radical new ideas. In another 60s pop
classic, quoting the dormouse in Alice in
Wonderland, White Rabbit offered
the best advice for living in revolutionary times: feed your head. But I always
heard the line as “keep your head,” and I like that line too. Nurture your head,
but also protect it from the therapists’ prescriptions and the persuasions of
the latest self-help guru. If you want the guillotine back, keep in mind that
there is no telling whose heads will end up in the basket. Keep your head, in
every sense of the word, but “feed your head” is perhaps the best advice.
Revolution requires imagination, a way to get revolution right next time,
without the reactionary wars and the terror that revolutionaries have to resort
to in order to prevail. Revolutions come about in times of widespread misery
that Western nations are still far from experiencing. No one should want a
revolution. We should want revolutionary transformation before revolution
becomes necessary. On that note, I conclude with a quote from some new anthropological
work that states this case:
It’s probably no coincidence that today,
the most vital and creative revolutionary movements at the dawn of this new
millennium—the Zapatistas of Chiapas, and Kurds of Rojava being only the most
obvious examples—are those that simultaneously root themselves in a deep
traditional past. Instead of imagining some primordial utopia, they can draw on
a more mixed and complicated narrative. Indeed, there seems to be a growing
recognition, in revolutionary circles, that freedom, tradition, and the
imagination have always, and will always be entangled, in ways we do not
completely understand. It’s about time the rest of us catch up, and start to
consider what a non-Biblical version of human history might be like.[14]
The Man Who Would
Be King, Emmanuel Macron, 2015/07/07:
has always been incomplete because it is not sufficient in itself. In the
process and functioning of democracy there is an absence. In French politics,
this absence is the figure of the king, whom, I believe, the French people did
not want to be killed. The Terror created an emotional, imaginative and
collective void: the king is no longer there! We then tried to fill that void
with other figures such as Napoleon or de Gaulle... we expect the president of
the Republic to fill this function.
This article was revised
on February 7, 2019.
[1] Frederick Engels, The Peasant War in Germany (Moscow:
Progress, 1956), 138-139.
[2] “Mark
Blythe Explains Post-World War II Economics,” The Takeout Podcast, CBS News, July 14, 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXK0Z-9ntEQ.
Coincidentally (in this context), this podcast was aired on Bastille Day.
[3] Frederick Engels, On
Authority (1872), https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/10/authority.htm.
[4] C.L.R James, The Black Jacobins: Toussaint Louverture and
the Haitian Revolution (London: Penguin, 2001), 219.
[5] Charles Forsdick
and Christian Hogsbjerg, Toussaint
Louverture: A Black Jacobin in the Age of Revolutions (London: Pluto Press,
2017). The overview of the revolution was compiled from this book.
[6] Phil Rockstroh, “Thus
Spake Oprah as the New York Times Spots UFOs over the Comb-over Empire.”
Off-Guardian, January 28, 2018, https://off-guardian.org/2018/01/28/thus-spake-oprah-as-the-new-york-times-spots-ufos-over-the-comb-over-empire/.
[7] “Mark
Blythe Explains Post-World War II Economics,” The Takeout Podcast, CBS News, July 14, 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXK0Z-9ntEQ.
Coincidentally (in this context), this podcast was aired on Bastille Day.
[8] Louis Menand, “A
Friend of the Devil: Inside a Famous Cold War Deception,” New Yorker, March 23, 2015, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/03/23/a-friend-of-the-devil.
[9] “The
50 Most Influential Living Psychologists in the World,” The Best Schools, https://thebestschools.org/features/most-influential-psychologists-world/. See the “About” section for the quote
describing the personnel at The Best Schools: “an organization comprised of a
dedicated group of educators, editors, authors, and web professionals.”
[10] “Jordan B. Peterson on
12 Rules for Life,” How-to
Academy, January 16, 2018, https://youtu.be/-5RCmu-HuTg.
[11] Ibid.
[12] “Twelve Rules for
Life: Jordan Peterson.” RSA
Replay, January 16, 2018, 20:50~, https://youtu.be/OD-VCRNIp-U.
[13] “Decline of the
American Empire with Alfred McCoy,” On Contact, November 26, 2017, 16:15~ https://youtu.be/6QgwwBAj8Ow.
[14] David Graeber and David Wendgrow, “How to change the
course of human history,” Eurozine, March 2, 2018, https://www.eurozine.com/change-course-human-history/.
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